VitePress won. This theme is now DEPRECATED. Switch to our VitePress theme.



(Landoopen in new window) OR (Node 14+open in new window and Yarnopen in new window)

Yarn is optional

yarn is technically optional but is preferred and is assumed in the docs below. That said you can probably use npm as a drop in replacement for yarn below and end up in the same place.

# clone repo
git clone &&
  \ cd vuepress-theme-default-plus

# start up app
lando start

# launch dev server
lando dev
# clone repo
git clone &&
  \ cd vuepress-theme-default-plus

# install deps

# launch dev server
yarn dev

# launch dev server in debug mode
DEBUG="@lando/*" yarn dev


# lint the code
lando yarn test
# lint the code
yarn test


Here are some helpful commands to build an artifact

# build the site
lando yarn build
# build the site
yarn build


An actual release to npm can be done by creating a release on GitHubopen in new window. Pre-releases will deploy to @edge tag.

This will also trigger our prepare releaseopen in new window and auto-deployopen in new window actions.